Privacy policy

We aim to understand the needs of people who use our services, and that's why we collect user-related data, such as data on users' behaviour when they use our online services. The online service is open to everyone and no registration is required to browse the webpages. There may also be a section of the website which requires separate login.

This privacy policy outlines the personal data we can collect about you when you use our services or contact us via our online services (hereinafer "Service"). It also explains the purposes for which we might use this data.   By using our Service, you accept that your data will be processed in accordance with this privacy policy. We can change this privacy policy by publishing a new version online.

By continuing to use the website and related services after the publication of a new version of the policy, you will be considered to have approved the changes to the terms of service.

Data collection

The following data will be collected on the data file:
- IP address
- Software and device information
- Data collected via cookies
- Other data collected with the customer's consent

Data we collect from our online service

On the data file, we save data that you have submitted via the Service's contact form. If you require a response to any feedback submitted using the feedback form or e-mail, you will need to submit contact details with your feedback. Messages sent via the contact form are archived in the Service.

Anyone sending feedback that contains personal data should note that the data security of an unencrypted feedback form or e-mail is weak and that it will not be possible to completely ensure that the data remains protected and confidential. Please take this into account, especially when dealing with details of a sensitive nature.

Purpose of the data file

The data file is used to manage and develop customer relationships, and to produce, develop and maintain the Service. We may use the data file for service-related communications and invoicing purposes. We may also use data collection to send you targeted marketing or customer messages. If you do not wish to receive messages, you can notify the data file controller at any time.

Disclosure of data

Rimic Oy will not sell, exchange or transfer any potentially identifying data on you to external parties. This does not apply to trusted third parties who help us to maintain our website or carry out business activities. Third parties must also keep data confidential. We believe that data sharing is necessary when the aim is to investigate, prevent or otherwise deal with illegal activities, suspected fraud, or situations wherein a person's physical safety is threatened, the terms of use are breached, or in other situations in which we are required to do so by law. 

Will my data be disclosed outside of the EU?

Your data will not normally be disclosed outside of the EU. Any possible disclosure outside of the EU applies to situations in which the system servers we use are located outside of the EU. If this were to happen, we would ensure that we process, transfer and save your data in accordance with the law and using sufficient protection mechanisms.

How long will my personal data be stored for?

We do not store your personal data for any longer than is necessary for their purpose or longer than an agreement or law dictates. The period of time for which we store personal data may vary according to their purpose and the situation, however. Usually we remove personal data from our systems once an agreement has ended. We also aim to update your data from time to time.

Protection of the data file

The data file is protected from external use and use of the data file is protected via personal user credentials and passwords. Users are bound by an obligation to non-disclosure. Only Rimic Oy employees have access to the data file. Employees are bound by an obligation to secrecy.


Cookies are small identifiers which are saved on the visitor's computer/device when the visitor visits the website. Our Service makes use of cookies in order for us to be able to provide our service at a high level of quality and in the most user-friendly way possible.

Statistical data may be collected from use of the service, such as information on visitor numbers, the most popular pages, landing pages, exit pages, or other similar data. Google Analytics may be used for the collection of statistical data in the Service. Google may disclose data to a third party if the law so requires. Google's privacy policy is available to read at

By using our Service, the visitor gives consent to the disclosure of data outlined in the aforementioned terms for use by Google. If you do not want the Service to receive data through the use of cookies, you can block cookies in your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to block cookies. If you block the use of cookies, this may affect the functionality of the Service, meaning that we cannot guarantee that the Service will work flawlessly without allowing cookies.

Social media plugins

Our Service may include links or connections to third-party websites such as social media plugins (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, AddThis, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn). The use of social media plugins may send identifying data to the provider of the social media in question. When opening a plugin, you may consent to the saving of third-party website cookies on your computer, which means that their administrators can monitor use of the page if you are logged in to the service provider's social media. Third-party terms of use are applied to these services provided by third parties within the Service and to applications forwarded by a third party. The Service administrator has no authority over such third-party websites, nor is the Service administrator responsible for any material published on them, or for their use.

Visitor rights

In accordance with the Personal Data Act, the visitor has the right to check the data about him or her, and to request the rectification of any erroneous data in the data file. Requests for access to and rectification of data should be sent in writing and signed to the person in charge of the data file specified in this privacy policy. The visitor also has the right to prevent Rimic Oy from processing data for direct marketing, remote sales, or opinion surveys and can do so by notifying the person in charge of Rimic Oy's data file matters. 

Information about the data file
Rekisterin nimi: Rimic Oy:n asiakasrekisteri
Controller: Rimic Oy, Hiidenkatu 7, 20360 Turku
Contact person for data file matters: Miikka Saarikko,

Changes to the privacy policy
We are updating our privacy policy changes on our online service.

Privacy policy updated 16.5.2024